Classes on Information Education

Our activities / Classes on Information Education

The goal of these classes on information education is mainly the development of reading and informational literacy for all age groups of children and youth as well as instruction on the separate uses of information sources, orientation within the library, and the skills to work with library documentation. As part of the classes on information education we introduce children to books and reading through games and creative activities. Our goal is to introduce them to not only quality original works, but also translated literary works in their various forms (radio, television, art...), as well as more scholastic literature by going over current topics (in conjunction with commemorative days). These classes on information education also include creative workshops and sensory games. We also organize instructional training on the use of computers for different groups of users, provide information aimed at knowing ones way around the library and its informational resources such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, magazines and the use of primary and secondary sources of information, and more.

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