On-line services

Service / On-line services

On-line catalogue

The electronic database of books makes it possible to search for titles based on various criteria and also provides the reader with complete information about the publication and its location within the library‘s collection including a preview of the book cover.

Reader’s account

On-line prístup do čitateľského konta ponúka prehľad o stave výpožičiek, možnosť rezervovať tituly či predlžovať si výpožičnú dobu.

On-line access to reader’s account provides an overview of the borrowing status, possibility to reserve titles or extending the borrowing time. A reader can sign in to his account using the number on the library card and a password, which will be immediately given one time, upon demand, by one of the employees in the respective library section or by sending an e-mail to info@kniznica.sk. Readers who provide their e-mail address while registering, will automatically receive notification about an overdue book by e-mail, and so this first reminder will not be sent in a written letter.

Detská knižnica