TOP WebLib

This is a nationwide competition for the best library web site, which is annually organised by the Slovak Librarians Association. The competition judges the following criteria: the content of the site, its functionality, originality, actuality and attractiveness for a visitor, navigation and browsing, graphic design as well as the level of compliance with web standards. The competition is meant to support the exchange of experience and evaluate the effort of libraries to effectively use information-communication technology for improving the quality and accessibility of services.

Top WebLib 2007

Web site of our library won 3rd place in the category of public and school libraries in the nationwide competition Top WebLib 2007. The author of the new web is the company Kios, Ltd. in cooperation with the Piešťany Town Library and the team Dizajn na kolesách (Design on wheels).

Top WebLib 2008

This time, in the prestigious competition Top WebLib, Piešťany Town Library’s web site won two awards. In the category public and school libraries it won 1st place with the prize from a jury of specialists and in public voting it also won the sympathy award for 2nd place. Credit for the current visualization of the web site must be given to not only the Town Library, but also young designers from the team Design on Wheels and the company Kios, Ltd.


Top WebLib 2011

In the nationwide competition Top WebLib 2011, for the second time in history, our web site was awarded 1st place. The jury awarded the appearance and functionality of the web site with the highest rank among school and public libraries.

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