The Piešťany Town Library offers its readers a wide selection of book titles from various fields – from children’s literature to fiction and an educational section as well as foreign language literature. Our readers can choose from over 90,000 book titles.
The book collection is clearly divided into several parts. In the fiction section the reader can easily find his or her way around according to the alphabetical arrangement of authors, while the educational section is arranged according to the International Decimal Classification (MDT).
Readers and library-goers have the right to borrow library books and documents by either “Absence” (taking the book home) or “Presence” ( within the library) borrowing.
- Absence borrowing of fiction and scientific literature
Absence borrowing allows the book to be borrowed for a period of 35 days (including non-working days). The reader or user can borrow 10 documents at once.
- Presence access to literature from the professional reference library
The library provides presence lending and study of library documents within the premises of the study room, reference library and reading room. Documents from the professional reference library may also be borrowed for 24 hours for a fee of 0.50 €.
- Presence access to newspapers and magazines
Library readers can use the services of the reading room, which provides current editions of selected Slovak periodicals and one foreign periodical (National Geographic) as well as daily newspapers.
- Extending the borrowing time
A reader can extend the borrowing time 3 times, unless the book has been reserved by another reader. A reader can ask for an extension personally, by phone at the phone number +421337725982, by sending an e-mail to or right in the reader’s account.
- Reserving a book or document
If a reader is interested in a book which is currently being borrowed by another reader, he or she can reserve this title free of charge either in person, by phone at the phone number +421337725982, by sending an e-mail to or right in the reader’s account by finding the requested book, by clicking on “BORROW” or in the event that the book has been already been borrowed then click on “REQUEST”. The reader will be notified about the availability of the book by e-mail. The book reservation is valid for 5 working days.
- Inter-library lending service (MVS)
Upon the request of a reader or user, the library can arrange the borrowing of a document, either an original or copy, which is not in its own library collection, from other library within the Slovak Republic through an inter-library lending service. The fee for this inter-library lending service (MVS) is 2,50 € for each title borrowed.