
Spa Courtyard

Establishment date

Beethovenova, 5

A listed cultural sight. This patulous, solitaire building is situated at the end of the Town Park, where it has stood since 1894. It was built according to a design by I. Alpár - known as a representative of ecclecticism - and despite its later inovations it still keeps most of its original decor. The centre of the composition is a monumental, plastic, and richly decorated courtyyard - ,, lounge "the so called : Kursalón, the name was derived from the word ,, lounge ". Since 1928 a part of the building has been used for expositions of the Balneological Museum. The expositions are significant archeological findings, valuable etnographic material, documents about the history of the spa and balneology in Slovakia, and other items. The special section of the museum is dedicated to expositions related to M. R. Štefánik.

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