Remains of Piestany and surroundings

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    Zrúcanina hradu nad obcou Borinka viditeľná už pri výjazde z Bratislavy aj z Rakúska.História :Pajštúnsky hrad...
    Pamätný dom Juraja Fándlyho, sprístupnený r. 1990, sa nachádza v budove rím.kat. fary, kde Juraj Fándly v rokoch...
    Roku 1113 uhorský kráľ Koloman vydal listinu, ktorá potvrdzuje majetky zoborského opátstva. V nej sa spomína na rieke...
    Plavecký hrad, Plavecké Podhradie (31 km SZ) .Zrúcanina hradu na strmom bralnatom kopci na úpätí Malých Karpát. Hrad...
    In the village, the most significant monument is church consecrated to St. Michael the Archangel with fortification...
    A listed cultural sight. The sandstone pillory was made around the year 1830 and after it had been removed from its...
    The one of the first labour hospital in Slovakia called Pro Labore that was established with a merit of Alexander...
    It is a cultural landmark. The reinforced concrete pedestrian bridge, also known as Glass or Colonnade, was built in...
    This two - storey building situated at the junction in the town centre was built between the years 1929 - 1930,...
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