Remains of Piestany and surroundings

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    A listed cultural sight. The therapeutic house, originally a functional hotel called Grand Hotel Royal, was designed by...
    A house with a memorial plaque on the front wall, in this house, Ivan Krasko ( 1876 - 1958), a notable Slovak poet and...
    In the area adjoining the Spa House Slovan and Erna Pension, the building formerly called Manorial House, later Park...
    The church of St. Stephan the King is precious medieval cult construction with the remains of Roman frescoes and old...
    Piešťany synagogue stood in Winter Street, in the protestant Church neighbourhood and it was the sole building in such...
    The Workers Boarding House belonged to the most interesting institutions in Piešťany at the end of the 19th and the...
    The Jewish Cemetery in the Jánošíkova Street is the older of two Jewish burial places in Piešťany. There are 637 mostly...
    The ruins of Topoľčany castle , some its part are dated to the half of the 13th century, are still towering above the...
    The district´s planning scheme was designed by the architects F. Wimmer a A. Szönyi, the individual family houses by...
    Najstaršia písomná zmienka o Trebaticiach je z rokov 1108 – 1109 v listine zoborského opátstva z roku 1113.Od svojho...
    The large Trenčín castle has towered over the steep rocks, just above the town, for many centuries. The famous sign on...
    The Piešťany Trianon author is not known. Its owner was the “state municipal doctor” Dr. J. Brežný who in it, for a...
    It is definitely worth visiting Trnava, the oldest Slovak royal town ( 1238). After the great fire at the end of the...
    Prvá písomná zmienka o radnici pochádza z roku 1413. Je to zápis v účtovnej knihe mesta. Prvý dokument, ktorý radnicu s...
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