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Originally Masaryk´s Civic School, the first building situated at the edge of the new, central square previously...
A listed cultural sight. This patulous, solitaire building is situated at the end of the Town Park, where it has stood...
This modest, one - nave neogothic sacral object was designed by an anonymous architect and built in 1897. It...
A listed cultural sight. the Spa hotel Thermia Palace and the balneotherapeutic building Irma, which form a united...
A listed cultural sight. The classicistic church, where worships have been held since 1831. It was built at the...
This oldest functional building in the town - originally called the Inn for Nobles, is probably commorated by Adam...
Klasicistický kaštieľ v Seredi vznikol na križovatke ciest pri dôležitom prechode cez rieku Váh. Bol kráľovským...
In the 15th century the importance of Smolenice increased considerably, because a castle was built there which...
The unique bronze Statue of a man breaking his crutches is the famous symbol of Piešťany, this masterpiece of academic...
Sokolovce sú jediným pútnickým miestom v piešťanskom dekanáte. Vznik sochy Sedembolestnej Panny Márie je datovaný do...
Z obdobia klasicizmu pochádzajú v Hlohovci dve budovy, a to Zemianska kúria na Malinovského ulici a tvz. sokolovňa....
Sokolovce ležia na ľavom brehu Váhu. Na severnej strane susedia so svetoznámym kúpeľným mestom Piešťany, ktoré sú...
Dejiny farnosti :Správa, v ktorej sa prvýkrát spomína sokolovská farnosť pochádza z roku 1332. Rímskokatolícka...
Ako Krakovany tak aj Stráže sa uvádzajú v Zoborskej listine z roku 1113 ako Villa Spectaculi, t. j. dedina strážcov....
Records from 1 to 16 of 16