Between February 17 and April 22, 2016 an exhibition of awarded works from the 4th annual and most prestigious photo journalism photo contest SLOVAK PRESS PHOTO was held in the Town Library. The exhibition presented a collection of 198 photographs from 24 photographers awarded in 10 categories including photos from this year's recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award Peter Procházka. The opening of the exhibition was attended by the director of the competition Jana Garvoldtova and several of the photo journalists who took winning pictures. Presenting their works personally were the winner of the 2015 Grand Prix award Robert Tappert as well as winners from other categories such as Peter Korček, Laura Vittek and Piešťany photographer Kata Sedlak, who won the Audience Award. Other guests at the exhibition included the absolute winner of the SLOVAK PRESS PHOTO 2013 Milan Illik and the winner the Lifetime Achievement Award Peter Prochazka. Exhibition visitors could also see the winning works of photographer Tomáš Rafa in the category "short video", which was new in this year's competition.

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